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Voter Participation Center

Who Is The Voter Participation Center?– How One Group Is Identifying All of the Addresses in Swing States Where Ballots Will Be Sent to Phantom Voters (VIDEO).

Leftists actually produce countless companies– with the most innocent-sounding names– to hide their use of tax-free Dark Money to affect U.S. elections.

The Fractal group utilized advanced quantum innovation to access The Voter Participation Center and its newly released Fractal Dark Money System, exposing unexpected findings.

The pointed out organization has connections with numerous Leftist groups, including some linked to Chinese companies. Additionally, many of these linked groups are associated with voter registration and political campaign activities. Evidence of ties to Chinese Communist organizations has actually been presented in various videos on our and Rumble platforms, as demonstrated by Fractal.

The network of Leftist, tax-free Dark Money is vast– it is over a billion dollars, in every state, of Leftist possessions– in play for the 2024 election.

In this video, the Fractal team returned to 2020 to reveal a few of the influence of these companies against President Trump.

The Fractal team, using innovative quantum technology, is presently recognizing the addresses, in every swing state, plus Virginia, Colorado and Texas– where a mail-in ballot will be sent in the 2024 election and not find a qualified recipient.
NGOs, like some of the ones in this video, are registering illegal aliens and transients at places where no one lives and can not live– since they do not have bedrooms.

The Fractal team developed the technology to cross-search real estate tax rolls with voter databases to identify where these ballots will gather in 2024– and an NGO– some of which remain in this video– will vote them.

NGOs can now target fraudulent voter registration operations for the very first time the Fractal system. This innovative technology utilizes innovative photo analysis to detect suspicious patterns such as groups of “new voters” gathering at non-traditional areas like uninhabited strip malls, storage facilities, and gas stations.

IMPORTANT: In 2024, 67% of the mail-in ballots, in the 7 swing states, cast against Trump and Republican Senate projects, will be cast by an NGO, some displayed in this video, utilizing illegal aliens as ballot-fodder, from addresses that can be determined now– and those ballots stopped before they enter the system.

The Fractal team plans to launch additional videos on The Gateway Pundit that expose the operations of considerable Dark Money groups linked to Chinese Communist companies in swing states. These videos will provide a distinct point of view on the activities of these groups, revealing their participation in election very first time to both elected authorities and the general public.

Jay Valentine led the advancement of eBay’s fraud avoidance system, a pioneering development that likewise laid the groundwork for the TSA’s No-Fly List. Additionally, his innovation has been adopted by a considerable bulk – 70% – of the home insurance sector to combat deceitful activities. To stay updated on his latest insights, visit his Substack at

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