What Is Really In The Ukraine Aid Bill?
It’s a Lot More than Just Ukraine Aid
By John Buchard
April 21, 2021
It’s disappointing that our elected agents don’t put in the time to ensure transparency when it concerns the costs they pass, specifically when these costs are moneyed by taxpayers’ money. To resolve this concern, I’ve carefully analyzed the latest Ukraine Aid bill and identified several concerning aspects that recommend it may be a hurried and costly piece of legislation. While this list might not be extensive, it provides a snapshot of a few of the problematic aspects consisted of in the bill.
Sec. 101 of the Ukraine Aid bill:
– $1 billion slush fund for the Secretary of Defense.
– $250 million slush fund for the Director of National Intelligence, Keep in mind that this is just one section of this grotesque abuse of our tax dollars.
Allow me to discuss it in easier terms.
Title III of the Ukraine Aid bill:
$481 million for refugee and entrant assistance.
The Administration for Children and Families gives this money to the NGOs coordinating the border invasion. Incredible. Thanks,
Increased financing for non-governmental organizations.
Title IV of the Ukraine Aid bill: funds appropriated to the President:
-$39 million for USAID operating expenses
-$25 million for “transition initiatives”
– $7.9 BILLION for an “economic support fund”
– $1.6 BILLION for “Assistance to Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia”
What’s the big deal, right?
The Ukraine Aid bill includes:
-$300 million for Department of State “International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement” programs.
-$100 million for ‘‘Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programs’’
But remember. We’re just sending bullets!
Something stinks.
The Ukraine Aid bill also recharges President Biden’s Foreign Military Financing fund with $1.6 billion.Ukraine.
The Ukraine Aid bill raises the amount of military and equipment/services President Biden can draw down from the US military and provide to a foreign country, from $100 million to $7.8 BILLIONApologies if we can’t laugh, or we’ll constantly throw up.
The Ukraine Aid bill expands direct loans made under section 23 of the Arms Export Control Act, and the Foreign Military Financing Program. This allows the US to make “loans” to foreign governments to send further military and humanitarian assistance. Doe anyone really believe Ukraine of anyone else will be able to pay these loans back. If you do I have a bridge to sell you.
Amount of each is raised from $4 billion to $8 billion, and loans can be made to all “major non-Nato allies, and the Indo-Pacific region”
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