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Massive Flood of Chinese Illegals Enter San Diego Unimpeded

As Many As 80,0000 Chinese Illegals Have Entered The Usa In The Last 3.5 Years. Mostly Young Males.many Are Suspected Of Being Potential Saboteurs And Chinese People'Sarmy Cadres
Illegal Chinese Invasion May Include Trained Sabateurs Threatening National Security

According to Bill Melugin,Fox News, San Diego, 518 Chinese nationals crossed illegally into the San Diego sector the other day. Fox press reporter Melugin gets his details from CBP.

According to his statement, more than 30,000 individuals from China have entered the country since October at the San Diego border. While it’s likely that they’re looking for a better life, it’s notable that most of them are unmarried males of military service age. Border Patrol agents report that many of them admit and behave as if they have had military training. The suspicion grows that among them are cadres of potential saboteurs that would leap into action on orders from the Chinese Communists. China didn’t need to build a Trojan Horse. Biden just let them walk in through the gates. These unveted, unidentified illegals join cadres of potential terrorists that have already entered the USA. We are all in mortal danger. It is time to be very careful and locked and loaded as we have potentially millions of saboteurs and terrorists spread throughout the nation

This is unprecedented. There is no sign that anyone cares or has done anything to restrict the invasion.

Others coming through San Diego are from countries with severe hardship, terrorism, or criminal offenses.
8,900+ India
7,800+ Turkey
2,900+ Uzbekistan
4,400+ Mauritania
3,000+ Vietnam
5,600+ Guinea

Secretary Mayorkas persistently asserts that the border remains in a state of dysfunction, and he believes that Republicans bear responsibility for dealing with the issue by offering a legalization process and a route to citizenship for undocumented immigrants presently living in the country.

The “official figure” shows 10 million. It’s really 20 million. And, that’s just in the last few years. As we know the number of illegals that escape is at least as many who are apprehended and counted before being released. That means the number of illegals is at least 3 million a year added to the already 50 million who are already here. Our entire nation is being impoverished by these hordes of illegal immigrants. The politics are destructive, but the economics are devastating.

The total cost of the illegal immigrant tsunami invasion is ALWAYS misunderstood and vastly underestimated. The ongoing cost has taken an immense toll on our economy. There are an estimated 50 million illegal immigrants and their children in this country today. Each one of them has a direct and indirect cost that totals about $100,000 each per year including an estimated $35,000 per child for educational expenses and the huge cost of lower wages for native, legal American citizens. It is estimated that without these illegals, the average wage would be 12% higher, and that loss is an indirect but measurable consequence of illegal immigration. Add it up. The cost is 5 TRILLION a year to the American economy. It is a cost that would wipe out the deficit and increase tax collections by an estimated $500 Billion per year. Our entire infrastructure, physical and social, is deteriorating, collapsing because of this influx of basically useless, uninvited parasitic mouths that eat at

This is evil. They are entirely altering the United States, and individuals will not like it when they’re done if they are ever done.

Astounding. Border Patrol is so overstretched that the illegal immigrants who crossed here have been waiting for hours for BP to choose them up. Some Colombians got ill from waiting, so they called a Lyft and just got picked up & repelled. They will now be getaways. I’m blurring the chauffeur’s plates to offer her the advantage of the doubt in case she didn’t know they were illegal immigrants, though I find that hard to believe since dozens are sitting here.
She may have simply committed a federal criminal offense if she did it purposefully.

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