Fractal Technology Stops Ballot Fraud
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Cleaning Voter Rolls Is The Republican’s Climate Change Scam
A never ending grift, never successful, constantly driving dopey donors
There Is One Solution To Voter Fraud That Can Save the 2024 Election
By John Livingston
June 3, 2024
One of the gifts of the climate change scam is there is no way to verify it is really happening.
If the icecaps melt, Miami goes under water and Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard downstairs floods – nobody alive today will be around to see it.
Scary things, that cannot be verified, and never get better, make wonderful fund raisers.
Now that the Fractal team can see every NGO, 501c organization, we show the Left’s inner-connected galaxy of fundraising entities, who raise billions, pay their management huge 6 and sometimes 7 figure salaries, and keep that climate scam going.
Republicans are no different.
Take a stroll through the Fox Evening News and you hear one CEO after another from a Republican Washington DC group on what’s wrong with America. Then Google their sites and you will see red, white and blue websites – which do literally nothing but raise money from clueless donors. To no accountable end.
There are great ones, like Heritage and Judicial Watch, many more are both unaccountable and useless.
When Trump had 2020 stolen, pretty much in plain sight, voter organizations sprung up in every state. A lot of them did great work. Most evolved into make-work projects for idle well-intentioned hands after they realized nobody was going to take the thousands of fake voters they found off voter rolls.
Other groups went totally nutso, pitching flying drones over election sites to see if there might be an internet connection. Perhaps they might have saved time and embarrassment by just checking their phone’s hotspot locator.
One interesting character, Doug Frank, a former high school teacher, makes a small but thriving business showing stats about how states went off the rails in 2020.
He’s correct – election fraud happened.
We are big supporters of Doug Frank’s work and we recommend him to all the voter integrity groups who have no money, no technology, but need to chase illegitimate voters, even if there is nothing they can do about it.
Doug Frank should be the data guru for the ineffective among us.
As we at Fractal have shown, across 26 states, taking voters off the voter roll in time for 2024 is fantasy. It did NOT happen, it will not happen, and those pushing this nonsense know better – because they failed to get it done.
Cancelling a voter is a big deal – as it should be.
There is a panoply of laws protecting someone’s right to vote – which is a very good thing.
Good laws are artfully extended by Leftist orgs to make sure nobody is taken off a voter roll. Nobody needs to show an ID. A ballot can arrive days after an election and be counted. You know the drill.
Like it or not, the voter roll battle for 2024 is over.
The voter rolls, as they exist today, are showing up in 2024 – not much different from 2020 – only with illegal aliens now present in growing numbers.
40 months of ineffective, but well-intentioned work by hundreds of voter groups around the country resulted in little headway.
The grift, however, continues.
If all you have is a pencil, a calculator, Microsoft Excel and relational database, the fantasy that one can erase 3% of the Michigan or Arizona voter roll in the next 150 days is the only play you can call.
Because you need the work and the few dollars you scrape from it.
When one applies advanced quantum technology, the outcome choices are wider.
Here is the Fractal agenda, now being implemented in some swing states:
1. Identify undeliverable ballot collection points and challenge ballots being sent to phantom voters at these addresses.
2. Assist local ground teams in implementing short term legal challenges to disrupt the illegal mail-in ballot strategy the Left is using to manipulate the outcome of the national election.
3. Drastically reduce the number of mail-in ballots going to phantom voters at improper addresses through administrative process to protect the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election.
4. Identify and publicize Chinese Communist tinged money funding Leftist groups in swing states and publicize the hell out of it.
The Problem:
Swing states will again be won or lost by mail-in ballots.
The margin of victory may, again, be fewer than 100,000 votes in Pennsylvania, in several states, 20,000 votes.
Implementing a “stop mail-in ballots from going to ineligible addresses” strategy impacts over 100,000 to 400,000 ineligible addresses in each swing state.
There is no other strategy – given the time at hand – that can impact so many ballots, in so short a time, in states where 20,000 ballots may choose the next U.S. President.
Many swing state’s election apparatus is controlled by Leftists who have no interest in honest mail-in ballot procedures.
Each swing state has thousands, into hundreds of thousands of ineligible ballot accumulation locations where a mail-in ballot will be sent in 2024, yet not find an eligible recipient. These include gas stations, strip malls, large apartment buildings where the ballot has no apartment number.
The RNC and the Trump Campaign do not have the technology to identify these ineligible locations, so they ignore their existence.
The entire voter integrity org industry is lost chasing phantoms on voter rolls who will remain there for decades.
An Effective Solution:
Several swing state organizations worked with the Fractal team to use Fractal quantum technology to visualize anomalies in voter rolls not visible to current relational technology.
Videos of some of those findings are on the website and on Rumble.
These are the deliverables that could be in the field in 30 days:
1. Each state’s voter rolls will be loaded into a Fractal database. Multiple copies of the voter rolls on different dates will continue to be loaded enabling time series analysis.
2. Property tax records will be loaded for the large, urban counties. These are cross searched against the voter rolls. The result identifies locations where a voter is registered (voter roll) but the address cannot receive a ballot (property tax roll). Such addresses include gas stations, strip malls, UPS Boxes and hundreds of other entities which do not have bedrooms. They aggregate into the hundreds of thousands.
illegal alien voter registration3. Apartment reconciliation. One of the most successful means of creating a ballot-accumulation point is to register voters at large apartment complexes leaving out an apartment or unit #. Thus, the ballot accumulates on the floor or is kept by the Postal Service (and testimony shows these are often given to Leftist orgs). The Fractal system identifies every location, against every voter, missing such delivery information.
4. Artificial Intelligence address matching. Every address is compared with its proper address in the U.S. Postal database and any anomalies are flagged.
5. Illegal alien voter registration is identified by applying time series analysis against every location in a state. Ballot aggregation locations will be identified, frozen, and challenges placed to stop mail-in ballots to those locations.
Taken together, these deliverables constitute the Undeliverable Ballot Database.
The solution also includes the Voter Roll Canvassing System.
The RNC database on which every Republican candidate relies is wildly inaccurate. The Fractal team tested that database in Michigan and Wisconsin and found it was 52% incorrect.
Thus, a Republican candidate begins with a canvassing/direct mail list in which half of their expenses are wasted. The Fractal system, with the Wisconsin Titan system, enables these voter rolls to be cleaned to over 90% effectiveness in 30 days.
The Fractal system also identifies, visually and in spreadsheet form, the relationships between Chinese Communist tainted funds and Leftist electioneering organizations in each state. Foreign money subsidizes Left-leaning candidates and makes it impossible for challengers to raise enough money to compete in traditional election strategies.
Conventional technology cannot find these complex relationships, based on funding one another, common employees, common directors, phone numbers, addresses. The Fractal system can identify every such relationship, show it graphically, tie it to the IRS 990 official documents, and publish this very powerful information.
This deliverable constitutes the Fractal Dark Money System, and it can be implemented, in any swing state in days not weeks.
Another deliverable is the Sovereign Fraud Analysis System.
Leftist organizations have access to voter rolls and they add voters at the last minute – invisible to Republicans. The Fractal team showed how in 2022 Kari Lake lost her election when one county added 22,000 new voters, days before the election, invisible to her, to RNC technology – and she lost by 17,000 votes.
In each state copies of the voter rolls will be compared every 30 days or more frequently. Every cell in one voter roll will be compared with the cell in a subsequent such roll. Any voters who are:
· Added to the voter roll
· Deleted from the voter roll
· Status changed from ineligible to eligible
· Moved to a different voting location within a state for strategic positioning
are flagged for review.
Thus, there is near real-time visibility to voter rolls and any Leftist voter roll modification, as has happened before, can be identified BEFORE the final election date – not litigated afterward.
This is Time Series Analysis and it is part of the Fractal solution.
Time series analysis is particularly effective in reviewing college dorms, homeless shelters and churches.
Population turnover at these facilities fosters huge opportunities for the Left to stuff voter rolls and vote in the name of people who have moved on in life. Time series analysis identifies, for example, a college dorm or frat house with 109 year old voters who have been voting from those locations for 30 years.
The Fractal videos show this is a common occurrence and often changes the outcome of state-wide elections.
Each of these anomalies has eluded current technology for decades. In swing states, in less than a month, these techniques can be in full production.
The time to choose is upon us.
National voter integrity orgs and their dopey donors continue the nonsense that voter rolls are going to be cleaned at scale. Our videos show they have not been cleaned in 30 years.
The RNC and Trump Campaign are hiring “armies” (their word) of lawyers to litigate after the 2024 fraud happens – good luck, how did that work out last time?
The crazies are flying drones.
The ineffective are presenting PowerPoint graphs about the fraud that happened in 2020.
Fortunately, people are waking up and realizing that if mail-in ballots can be STOPPED from going out in the first place, to Walmarts, 7-11s, strip malls, to be collected by Leftists – that makes sense.
Fractal and the teams with whom we work have those lists – now is the time to use them.
Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List and the fraud systems for State Farm, GEICO, USAA and other major insurers.
Jay’s team was awarded 6 patents for revolutionary Similarity Search technology – finding fraud in complex data – invisible to all relational technology
Jay can be contacted at his Substack: